Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We Don't Have a Garden Yet. We Don't Have Any Vegetables Yet. But We Can Can Water!

Since Sharon and I were married a few months ago, we embarked on a quest to become more self-sufficient.  When the ground thaws we plan to plant some sort of garden.  Historically even my $3 room plant from Wal-Mart survived no longer than a few weeks; I think I drowned them with too much tender loving (or probably too much water, as Sharon recently pointed out that they don't require watering everyday).  But this time will be different, we hope.

We have a nice rectangular spot in our yard picked out - away from trees or the stream that courses its way through our yard each time it rains.

Last night, we tested out one of our favorite toys that was given to us as a treat for getting married - a 23 quart pressure canner!  For fear of poisoning ourselves or exploding some sort of mutilated goop all over our kitchen, we just canned water for this first attempt at canning.

Mason jar lids have two parts - the part that screws on and the part that just sits on top.  After cooking our water, you can even pick up the can by the part that sits on top without the screw-on part.  I am quite impressed, and I feel I have been neglected by someone that should have introduced me to canning at some point in my childhood.  Awesome.  As proof, see below.


Brittney said...

Canning is very neat! My grandma used to do it without all the fancy gadgets they have now. Jarod cans all the time. I'm trying to convince David we need a garden, but I'm not sure if I'm prepared to keep it up all summer. Haha!

FaithFarms said...

Oh just wait! It is very addicting! I try to challenge myself every year to add something new to my list of things I have canned. Lets see if I can remember what I have on my shelf......strawberry/blackberry jam, strawberry preserves, apple butter, apple sauce, cinnamon pickles (YUCK!), dill pickles, relish, hamburger/buffalo, sausage, tomatoes, tomato sauce, spaghetti sauce, veggie soup, green beans, okra (another yuck!), pickled okra, pinto beans, black beans, chicken thighs/legs, chicken breast, chicken chunks, apple pie filling, salsa, and.....hmmmm I am drawing a blank right now. I think there is a couple more but I don't remember and too lazy to walk back there to see! ;) Sure hope you guys have a BLAST! It is hard to get over the whole fear of explosion or poisoning thing but it sure is a good feeling to know your family is eating YOUR food! If you have any questions I am more then happy to help! GOODLUCK!

FaithFarms said...

HA! I knew I was forgetting something so I had to go look! ;)

Potatoes, venison, and chili beans. There! I think that is all now.

You just need to get you a bunch of canning books. Ball Blue Book and Canning for Dummies are good. There are a TON of other good ones too! Reading them and the wealth of info online will give you the confidence you need. Of coarse hands on experience is always a plus! ;) I just had to teach myself and the more you do it the more you will be willing to try anything!

Oh, and I have canned water too! I still do if I have the extra time. Keeps the jars clean for next year and gives you some 'emergency' water.