Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Sometimes late at night when Kyle and I have been brushing our teeth, we've heard something crawling around under our house.  Through a series of funny events we have discovered at least three uninvited guests that made their residence under our leaky bathtub!

A few days ago, the bathtub drain got clogged.  We plunged with a sink plunger, and that did no good.  Then I poured half a bottle of Draino Max slowly down the drain, waited thirty minutes and then ran some hot water.  It didn't do any good!  The next day, we tried a hanger to try to grab whatever was plugging the drain.  (Apparently this is not a great idea, but nobody told us this until afterwards).  The hanger started pulling up some yellow fabric pieces... we thought it must have been an old washcloth or carpet or something until we really figured out what it was!  

We pulled the little wooden panel from the bedroom-closet wall to check out the pipes for the bathtub.  And we discovered what we had been yanking at with our hanger.  A big yellow blanket wrapped around the pipe! 

We had a clogged pipe and a giant gash in another pipe.  Kyle grabbed his toolbelt and went to work fixing our plumbing predicament.  But before he had even had the chance to rip apart our pipes, we discovered that we had visitors:

Visitor with a yellow blanket

Above, you can see the leaky bathtub drain pipe.

Three visitors in fact!

Last night, Kyle caught two possums and we released them near the Arkansas River.  

Goodbye cute possums!

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