Saturday, February 26, 2011

Already the end of February!

It's been a few busy months since we've posted to the blog!  We are staying busy with teaching and enjoying the few snow days that we've had! 
Kyle and I celebrated our first Thanksgiving together a little early with roasted turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, and green bean casserole.  We used our china for the first time and had a friend over to celebrate with us!

We were casual--but the table wasn't!

2010 was technically our second Christmas as a married couple (we were married on 12/20/09) However, last year (2010) was the first time we got to decorate!  We had a real beautiful tree!  I think this picture was taken before we managed to get many ornaments up.  Mr. Potato Head decided that he needed to check out the tree for himself!


It Still Fits A year later!  (No, I don't remember what I was doing to be looking so funny!)

We enjoyed time with family!  There was a sweet little one that we met for the first time!  Also a few more little ones that had some fun times in Granny's tub:

Kyle's Grandmother and Aunt came from Dallas. 

Dad let us ride some of his horses on New Year's Day before we had to head back to Little Rock.

Back at home with our new stove making turkey burgers!  (We discovered that our old oven wouldn't pre-heat on a night that I was getting ready to make home-made pizza!  We were thankful for our toaster oven that night!)

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