Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fall Flowers!

Flowers are so beautiful. Last spring I planted some morning glory seeds in hopes to see some pretty flowers.  The vines looked very sad this summer during our 100 degree days.  Last fall I planted my chrysanthemum in the front yard hoping it would bloom again.  For the most part it has looked like brown sticks coming out of the ground for months.  Today I looked out my back yard and noticed some beautiful morning glory blooms!  How wonderful!  I had given up on seeing any of their blooms this year.  Here they are peeking out into the cooler fall temperatures.

We've also been noticing these funny little flowers that Kyle calls "Dr. Seuss Flowers."  Technically, they're some sort of Lycoris.  My Dad calls them "Naked Ladies."

(Please forgive my lack of photographic talent--and our woodsy backyard.)

Finally, the mums.  They look a little better in real life.  However, if you have an idea of what I can do to make it grow better, let me know!

Hope that puts a smile on your face, if not from seeing pretty flowers, you can at least giggle about our mum!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Your mum did bring a smile to my face! :) I look forward to seeing you this week!